Thursday, January 22, 2009

Your Baby's Brain

From birth to age 3, profound changes and growth are occurring in your baby's brain. Developmentally, every 3 years is a marked cycle of changes and types of growth. I believe if we all knew what the 0-3 growth was really about, we would be more selective in the environments we create for our babies.

It's a pretty good analogy to say that your baby is like a 'sponge' at these ages, and developmentally, taking in everything in her surroundings is part of the plan. "Pruning" of brain synapses happens, with or without our input. For optimum brain development, reducing or eliminating negative stress for your baby is a huge gift you can give. This means minimizing sensory overload, modulating loud or new experiences, and develping an awareness of what your baby does and doesn't like to be around.

It's documented with 'hard' science now that if a baby's brain is unduly overloaded with stress, there is a cascade of events that result in your baby actually 'shutting down' and learning that the world is a hostile, unfriendly environment. The cumulative effect of these kinds of experiences result in a young child out of touch with her own internal feedback. It sets up young children to be dependent entirely on outside sources for making decisions about what they need and want (easy to see how this can be a precursor to a lifetime of eating disorders, substance abuse, behavioral difficulties, etc.)

Please educate yourself as a parent about the extremely dynamic growth happening in your baby's brain. Your choices in how you interact and the environments that you create for her will shape her lifelong experience.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Your Baby As Your Mirror

A week from today I'll be at Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy in South Boulder with parents of babies and toddlers. Our general topic is how to grow as a person while you're parenting. Everyone is invited, Friday at 3 pm or Saturday at 12:30. Please tell your friends who live in the Boulder area.

My CD, "OMG! I'm A Parent!!" will be available for only $15 (no shipping and handling, which is included in the website price).

Understanding ourselves and the patterns and behaviors we bring to parenting is more than valuable - it's an insight into what you will be experiencing in the entire parenting process. The reflection of our most desired, as well as least favorite traits, will invariably be reflected back to us by our children. The sooner that is taken into account, the more choices you have in how to modulate your own behaviors.

Taking time to reflect on where we are on the continuum of self-awareness is time well spent, even in the very early hectic and harried parenting years. As more and more research emerges on baby brain development, it continues to consistenly show that babies brains absorb all that is going on around them. As adults, we have sophisticated strategies in place to be more or less aware of certain things, depending on our orientation. Babies do not have these filters yet, so they are getting everything, conscious and unconscious, to which they are exposed. Keeping that in mind can help motivate parents to examine, edit, and revise their own patterns.

Join us for information and fun-filled time at South Boulder Pharmaca next week!
All your questions and comments are always wecome.

Ingrid Johnson