Saturday, February 21, 2009

READ to your baby, READ

Long before your baby is born, the sound of your voice is imprinted as a familiar and comforting sound. You can substitute the word "SING" in the title, also. Your voice is incredibly powerful as a connection to your baby, before and after she is born.

Reading to a very young infant creates a bond and a learning experience. Your voice communicating a story, or just talking about the pictures in a book, makes a context for reference that your baby will carry forward. The ritual of reading to an infant is part of connecting in a reassuring, warm way with a process that will continue to give rewards for many years.

As your baby starts to look at the pictures, and becomes familiar with certain favorite characters and stories, you will see the anticipation and pleasure that she gets from hearing certain words and phrases. Of course, singing, adding sound effects, and any other creative additions you are inspired to do are wonderful. But even at the very most basic level of opening a book and reading the contents every night at bedtime, you are establishing a lifelong precedent for reading.

The benefit to the parent doing the reading is that you will be brought into the present moment, and you can let go of other stresses and worries. Just being present, however simple the story, however many times it's been read before, can give a few minutes of refreshment to the busy, harried parent.

Reading in multiple languages is another enhancement from which your baby will benefit. If this is an option for you, please use it. The early exposure to different languages lays the groundwork for a facility with languages later.

Instilling a love for books and reading is a gift to which the benefits are endless. Lifelong learning begins in infancy (and before!), and reading to your baby is an excellent way to start.

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