Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Parental Core Beliefs Shape Your Baby

Beliefs and even suggestions that you entertain constantly impact your baby. It's an ominous responsibility to understand, and it also explains how babies assimilate their view of the world. Is the world hostile or loving? Is the stranger a potential friend or potential threat? Does the new day bring frustration or joy? These any many more subtle variations are programming the subconscious of your baby and young child.

I cannot stress enough the importance of the mother's and father's emotional life, and how they impact the baby's health and well-being. This by no means implies that parents should 'put on a happy face' for their babies. The artificiality does not fool your baby for a moment. The motivation to do something about your own frustrations and challenges, and the compassion and wisdom to integrate your own growth into your parenting is the valuable approach.

Your fears, worries, and anxieties are communicated to your baby without so much as a word being spoken. It's the ultimate inspiration to take action to calm yourself, explore your support options, and consistently apply the principles of growing yourself. In this way, what you project onto your baby will move in the direction of more and more healthy parenting.

Please comment on my blog. I'd appreciate it!

Ingrid Johnson

Pre- & Early Parenting Educator-at-Large



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog post. I find that parents with "secure attachment styles" have the greatest capacity for a positive emotional relationship with the child.